Systemization ProcessOne-stop Shop for Complete Automationnizamer transforms your business from old-typical business to modern systemized business using cutting edge technologiesSteps to Systemize Your BusinessThe illustration explains how we systemize your business step by step. Every step represents our service, click on Know More with a solution for its features, screenshots, live demo and instant quotation010203040506080910111307Training to Your Staff1.We train your staff to use business applications2.Complete documentation is providedSupport and Maintenance1.Nizamer offers remote support, on-site support and even deputes staff in your office2.Maintains the system to avoid downtime and keep the applications update12Systemized BusinessHuman Resource Management System (HRMS)Payroll generation with few clicksAutomatic tax, loan & other deductionsAutomatic generation of pay-slipsEmployee web portal to download pay-slipsKnow MoreCustom Web ApplicationAutomate unique business operations not covered in Accounting Software and HRMSKnow MoreCloud Portal1.24/7 access to files even if employee computer is powered off2.Text, Audio and Video communication (Like Zoom)3.CalendarKnow MoreOutsource ITHire nizamer, managed IT service privider, to avoid heavy load on payroll for IT staffDomain Network1.User accounts are managed centrally on server2.Settings of client PCs are controlled by the server3.Server can decide who can do what on PC4.A user account can be used on any computer on networkKnow MoreFile Server1.Files on client computers are synced to File Server2.Users can find their files on any computer on the network3.Create backup of data on all computers from file serverKnow MoreWeb Filtering1.Block ads on all devices2.Log and monitor client activities3.Block websites by category e.g. social media, sports and adultKnow More1.Block attacks from outside Pakistan2.Run antivirus before client computer3.Detect and block suspicious patterns of internet traffic4.Monitor real-time internet packet flows5.Secured remote access to employeesKnow MoreFirewall1.Help procure new network equipment2.Physical and logical arrangement of devices and connections in a network3.Installation and configuration of switches, routers, networks, printers, wireless access points and scannersKnow MoreInitial Setup1.We create multiple virtual computers inside one physical server machine2.We further break down one virtual computer into multiple containers to run multiple small server applications inside one virtual computer3.Significantly lowers capital and operating costKnow MoreVirtualizationKnow MoreLeverage Accounting Software1.Vouchers to Balance Sheet2.Separate web portals for management, customers and sales team 3.Advanced Manufacturing4.Fixed Assets5.Separate rights for each job roleWill you believe that1.Business solutions mentioned in this document are top leading solutions all around the world.2.The solutions are free of cost, we only charge one-time implementation cost.3.The solutions are open source (except Leverage). It means they can be modified anyway to meet your needs.4.The solutions were developed with PHP programming language which is also open source and free and does not require commercial operating system or server to host or run PHP applications. 5.You can easily find PHP developer in local market and are not bound to chain yourself with us or any other vendor.6.Special discounts are offered to customers who buy at least two or more solutions.7.We do not require advance payment for any solution.8.You pay only when you are satisfied.Know More