Web application development is the creation of application programs that reside on remote servers and are delivered to the user's device over the Internet. A web application (web app) does not need to be downloaded and is instead accessed through a network. We develop web applications with the following backend technologies: - PHP
- Javascript
- NodeJS
- Bootstrap
- AdminLTE
- Libraries at Github
The application will be visually appealing with one of the bootswatch themes. You can choose any database you prefer. The application we build can include any feature that you need with some common features as follows - Dashboard
- User accounts and rights management
- Notifications
- Two-Factor Authentication
- LDAP integration
- Third party authentication: Google, Facebook etc
- Geo-IP / Geo Location
- Cloud Storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3 etc)
- Reports
- Charts
- Audit Trail (Log of user actions)
- Consume and offer API
- Responsive (Mobile Ready)
- Convertable to Android and iPhone apps