Leverage Accounting Software
Line of Business Software

Leverage Accounting Software was developed with the aim of continuing to provide ease of financial recording with IFRS standards for various types of businesses from the SME scale to large corporations. It is the most complete accounting software in Pakistan


  • Vouchers to Balance Sheet
  • Sales Module
  • Purchase Module
  • Inventory Module
  • Multiple warehouses
  • Multiple withholding taxes
  • Sales Tax / FED
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Fixed Assets
  • Separate rights for each job role
  • Project Costing
  • Cost Centers
  • CRM for Management (web based)
  • Self Service - Customer Portal
  • Self-Service - Salesman Portal

Complete Documentation

CRM for Management

  • Dashboard
  • Admin Area
  • User management
  • Permission Control for each page (view/list, add, edit, delete)
  • Customer Aging Report
  • Customer Receivables
  • Customer Statement
  • Salesman Receivable Reports
  • Customer Profile
  • Fixed asset labels (with online verifiable QR Code)
  • Item Balances
  • Item Movement
  • Drill down reports
  • Modern design with new color theme (Admin LTE)
  • Responsive to Mobile Screen
  • Excel like editing on Manage/List Pages

Self-Service Customer Portal

Customer Portal that comes with Leverage offers the following features

  • Login page: Customers can login with their phone number saved in Leverage without signup and view/download the following reports
  • Customer Statement
  • List of Sales Invoices with outstanding amounts
  • List of Customer Payments
  • List of Sales Orders with delivery status
  • Profile view page with Change Password option
  • Admin page for you to administer customer accounts if needed.

Benefits to you:

  • Less incoming phone calls from customers
  • Less dependency on head office staff
  • Less interaction with customers will reduce workload of your employees
  • No additional work for your staff
Self-Service Salesman Portal
Salesman Portal with Leverage will include the following features
  • Login page: Your sales employees can login, change password and reset password
  • Dashboard - Optimized for salesman
  • Salesman Profile Page
  • Salesman accounts and privileges in Admin Area
  • Salesman Receivable Report (Balance for each customers)
  • Customer Aging Report (Amount and Age of due invoices of salesperson's customers)
  • Customer Profiles: Name, Address, phone number etc
  • Statement of Account
  • Payments from Customers
  • Salesman Commission Report
  • Customer Sales Report
  • Lifetime bug fixes
  • Training to your staff for administration
  • Any other feature as requested, limited to salesperson

Benefits to you:

  • Less incoming phone calls from salespersons
  • Less dependency on head office staff
  • No additional work for your staff

Live Demo - Management Portal, Customer Portal and Salesman Portal

Minimum Server Requirements

  • Intel Core i3 1st Gen 2 Ghz
  • Windows 10 / Windows Server 2012 R2 / Linux
  • 3 GB RAM
  • 25 GB free hard disk space for VM

Minimum Client Requirements

  • Intel Core 2 Duo 2 Ghz
  • Windows 7
  • 3 GB RAM
  • 300 MB free hard disk space

Username: supervisor
Password:  supervisor

(Click on Open Last Company on startup screen)